If you are starting at or near 50, consider these ideas. Provided by Brower Financial Group Do you fear you are saving for retirement too late? Plan to address that anxiety with some positive financial moves. If you have little saved for retirement at age 50 (or...
Weekly Tip Small business budgeting includes defining your risks. As a first step, detail your monthly, guaranteed income and expenses to help determine your level of liquidity. This may help you recognize potential long-term and short-term risks. FEBRUARY SAW A...
What does the new federal cap on state and local tax deductions mean for you? Provided by Brower Financial Group. Have you routinely itemized your federal tax deductions? In 2018, you may decide to take the standard deduction instead. One possible reason: the new...
Are you underinsured, or not insured at all? When was the last time you looked at your life insurance coverage? Why not do it now? Life insurance can be a remarkable utility as an estate planning and tax-saving tool. Whether you have no life insurance, or you haven’t...
Build your emergency fund this year. How much does the average American household have in the bank? Estimates vary, but the short answer to this question is “not enough.” Last year, a GoBankingRates poll discovered that 57% of U.S. households had less than $1,000 in...
It may not be what you think. How much will your family end up paying for college? Your household’s income may have less influence than you think – and some private colleges may be cheaper than you assume. Private schools sometimes extend the best aid offers. Yes – it...
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